
With extreme cold weather, your bill may be higher due to increased energy use from heating. We know this can be stressful. If you're experiencing hardship, we're here to help. Call us at 800-225-5797

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Contractors, Developers and Builders

Helping builders, developers and contractors succeed

We appreciate the hard work you put into building new homes and buildings in our community. Here you’ll find key information you’ll need to plan for and proceed with your development projects.

developers and contractors single-color graphic

New Construction Services

To start a new project, contact your local FPL service planner. Navigate to the links below to see detailed district maps with engineering contact information:

Contact FPL Lighting team:

Metering Information

Information that may be of interest to builders in the state of Florida:

Contact Us

  • Contact your local FPL service planner - Use the “Area Map” links above to find their contact information
  • Contact FPL Customer Service at (800) 225-5797


Safely maintaining the thousands of miles of power distribution lines on our grid is a top priority for us. We aim to keep easements safe, clear and free of unsightly clutter or debris through our maintenance and right-of-way inspection programs.

Learn More