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Geothermal Heat Pumps

The best energy option for your home

Heat pumps offer the most advanced heating and cooling technology, and are energy efficient and extremely durable. Thanks to our mild climate, Northwest Florida is ideal for heat pumps — so why not upgrade now? You can significantly cut your monthly energy costs while maintaining a comfortable home environment year-round.

Different types of heat pumps

Geothermal heat pump

The geothermal heat pump uses the near-constant temperature of the Earth for its heat source. It uses special water piping to transfer energy — without burning fossil fuels. A water heater unit can also be added.

Air source heat pump

The most common electric heat pump is the air source heat pump. It uses an outdoor compressor unit to transfer heat between the inside of your home and the outdoor air.

Duel-fuel heat pump

Dual-fuel or hybrid pumps can be combined with natural gas or propane furnaces. This can be a better choice than simply replacing an old air conditioner if you have a gas or propane heating system that is newer or still in good shape.

Why geothermal is a smart choice

Whether the outside temperature is 95° or 25°, the ground temperature in cities like Pensacola or Panama City is generally between 65° and 70°.

Our geothermal heat pumps run on a system called GeoExchange, which takes advantage of the earth's near-constant temperature to provide the highest energy efficiency for heating and cooling available today.

The GeoExchange system connects an indoor heat pump with a matrix of outdoor buried plastic piping. The system circulates water through these underground pipes where it is warmed by the earth in the winter and cooled by the earth in the summer. This natural heating and cooling action, in conjunction with heat pump technology, can maintain indoor spaces at a constant, comfortable temperature without burning fossil fuels.

Benefits at a glance

  • Energy savings
  • Comfort
  • Low maintenance
  • Durability
  • Quiet

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Geothermal FAQs

Find answers to common questions about how geothermal heat pumps work.

An electrically powered device that uses the near-constant temperature of the earth to heat and cool your home.

The heat pump unit, the underground closed-loop system and the ductwork.

A continuous loop of special buried plastic pipe connected to the indoor heat pump. Unlike an open-loop system that draws water from a well, a closed-loop system recirculates the same water under pressure, functioning as a heat exchanger with the earth. Because the water is sealed inside the piping, it remains pure, requiring less filtering and less potential maintenance.

High-density polyethylene pipe properly heat fused should last over 50 years. This material is unaffected by chemicals normally found in soil and has good conducting properties. PVC pipe should not be used.

Do-it-yourself installation is not recommended. It is best to employ IGSPHA or manufacturer certified technicians and contractors to install your GeoExchange system. Retrofits in buildings with existing ductwork are typically easy to install. Consult your local dealer to determine any modifications that might be necessary.

GeoExchange uses no combustion and therefore needs no outside venting.

Conceived in the 1940s, refined heat pump designs and improved pipe materials make GeoExchange systems the most efficient heating and cooling options available today.

After installation, closed-loop piping has no affect on grass, trees and shrubs. Installation requires displacement of some turf which can be restored with grass seed or sod.

Yes. Using a device called a “desuperheater”, GeoExchange systems can preheat tank water to save up to 50% on water heating bills.

Visit geoexchange.org to learn more about the efforts of the Geothermal Exchange Organization, get detailed info about heat pumps, and more.

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