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Energy Calculators

Quickly find out the cost of running common household appliances with our appliance calculators

We’re energy experts and you can be, too. Browse our portfolio of energy calculators to perform quick calculations and simulations to help analyze and take control of your energy usage – and discover ways to save money year-round. Simply answer a couple of questions about the appliances within your home to see how much they’re costing you each month. So get started now and find ways to save!

Pool Pump Calculator

One of the perks of living in Florida is year-round pool weather. That being said, you do not want to run your home’s pool pump 24/7/365.

FPL recommends you limit run time to six hours each day in the summer and four in the winter. By reducing the pump’s run time two hours or more per day, you can save on annual energy costs.

Let’s calculate the monthly cost to run the pool pump and pool heater in your home.

Appliance Calculator

Not all appliances are created equal.

Learn what individual appliances are costing you each month. Discover just how many hidden energy- and money-saving opportunities exist within your home. 

Air Conditioning Calculator

Air conditioning simply becomes a way of life in Florida, and cooling needs can quickly become the biggest driver of your bill.

Remember, the older your A/C system is, the less efficient it is.  So if your home is due for an upgrade, use our calculator to estimate how much you can save with a new A/C unit.

**Save $150 on a new A/C. Click here to find out how.