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What are the colored areas on the map?

Each colored/shaded area represents the service area of a unique FPL main power line or "feeder." Icons within the shaded area represent system improvements for the entire area. For example, if a pole-inspection icon appears in the center of the shaded area, it means that FPL inspected poles along the power lines in that service area.

Why do some areas have more icons than others?

FPL has a long-term, comprehensive plan in place to deliver reliable power to all of our customers. Every year we implement system improvements across all parts of our service territory. Our long-term plans take into account all aspects of infrastructure performance and conditions.

In some parts of Florida the service areas of individual power lines are much smaller than others. Because the icons represent work on each main power line (or feeder), densely packed areas with more power lines and population (such as large cities) may appear to have more icons (and work completed). Rural areas with more distributed populations have fewer power lines and therefore you may notice fewer icons.

For infrastructure strengthening projects, FPL works with local governments and county Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs) to determine the most critical infrastructure locations in each jurisdiction. Our communities define critical infrastructure as those facilities that provide for the safety, security and welfare of the public: emergency rescue, hospitals and water plants, as well as electric lines and equipment that serve businesses on main roads (such as grocery stores, pharmacies and gas stations) that serve the needs of our community.

Lastly, areas served by underground power lines may not have visible activity represented by icons on the map because there are no poles to inspect or lines from which to clear vegetation. For these areas, our system improvements take place nearby on overhead transmission lines or main power lines that "feed" the underground power lines.

Why can't the map find my address?

FPL's map is built on the Google Maps platform. While Google Maps strives to update its address database on a consistent basis, some new housing developments may take months to show up in its system. Google's map data is sourced from TeleAtlas. Its satellite imagery is sourced predominantly from DigitalGlobe and MDA Federal. None of the maps are "live" and frequency of updates may vary.

Have FPL's system improvements improved my electric service?

FPL has a long-term, comprehensive plan in place to deliver reliable power. We're investing to make our infrastructure stronger every day, in good weather and bad. As a result, FPL customers enjoy 99.98 percent reliability and we’re working every day to make our service even better.

Why do some icons show up over water?

This map is dynamically generated using the coordinates of FPL power lines and icons relevant to each power line — the icons are placed using a mathematical calculation of the center point of the power line's service area. Some power lines cross bodies of water, or the area they serve includes homes and businesses on both sides of a body of water. For these lines, the icons may show up over the water, but they refer to improvements made in the entire shaded service area.

Why do line clearing, infrared inspection or pole inspection icons sometimes appear for an area served by underground power lines?

Each shaded area on the map represents the service area of a unique FPL main power line. Many power lines have both overhead and underground parts, which is why areas served by underground power lines may exhibit improvement icons on the map if part of the main power line is overhead. For these "hybrid" power lines, our system improvements often take place on the overhead portions of the main power lines that "feed" power to the underground lines.

This map is being provided as a courtesy and for illustrative purposes only. It is not meant to be relied on for any purposes whatsoever and is no more than a visual approximation of system improvements on FPL's distribution infrastructure. No representation is made that the posted materials are comprehensive or free from error or fit for any particular purpose or use. This data is provided as-is without any guarantee or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. FPL does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the reliance, use, accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information contained on the map.