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The use of electricity in our everyday lives creates electric and magnetic fields (EMF). Common sources of EMF are:

  • Wiring in our homes and schools
  • Power lines and utility facilities that bring electricity to us
  • Electrical equipment and devices we use at work and home, such as appliances, TVs and computers

Some of the most prestigious U.S. and international scientific organizations have evaluated the EMF research. None of these organizations have found that exposure to power frequency EMF causes or contributes to cancer or any other disease or illness. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has established EMF standards for electric facilities. In fact, Florida is one of only two states with established limits for magnetic fields from electric facilities. Our equipment complies with the DEP standards. 

If you would like to learn more about EMF, please view the links below, or you can speak to an EMF representative or request information by calling us at 1-800-DIAL-FPL (1-800-342-5375).

Additional Sources of EMF Information

FPL encourages people who are interested to learn more about EMF. Public information on EMF is available from many sources, including: