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Put energy efficiency en your holiday list

Whether you are shopping for large or small gifts this holiday season, finding the right gift can be a tough decision. As you mull over your options, FPL suggests that you add energy efficiency to the criteria list. Before handing over your credit card, ask yourself: Just how energy efficient is that electronic gadget atop your son's list? Or, how much will it cost to power your football-loving husband's TV surround system in the months and years after the holiday madness?

Holiday lighting tips

Deck the halls with LEDs

When it comes to holiday lighting, LED lights are the bright choice to get you more for your money. The amount of power it takes to operate just one 7-watt incandescent holiday bulb could power two 24-foot LED strings - enough to light a six foot tree (Source: Additionally, LED light strings last about 10 times longer. (Source: Department of Energy).

Harness the rebates

Many manufacturers offer rebates on qualified LED holiday lights, so in addition to saving on your energy bill, you could also save up to $2 on each string of lights!

Consider a pre-lit tree

For those without time to decorate, pre-lit trees can be a great option, but make sure to specify you want it with only LED energy-efficient lights to help you save on energy throughout the season.

Use an all-in-one money saver

Plug holiday lights and other electronic decorations into a power strip to make it convenient to turn them all off before bedtime and boost energy savings.

Switch your non-holiday lights

Switch out guest room and common area lighting to compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. Each CFL bulb you install will save you about $50 in energy costs over the life of the bulb.

Turn fans off

Remind guests to turn off lights and fans when they leave the room. Stopping one ceiling fan from running all the time and turning at least one light off when you leave the room can save you more than $7 a month on your electric bill.

Outshine the neighbors

LEDs aren't limited to just traditional lights; switch your icicle lights, walkway trees, snowmen, reindeer and more to brighten your holiday decor without breaking the bank.

Set time on your side

Set timers for your holiday displays to turn off before bedtime so there is no need to burn the lights all night long.

Give the gift of light

Consider changing out driveway lighting with solar-powered lights to make your home a festive and energy-efficient oasis year round.

Go energy free

Supplement your holiday displays with ornaments such as wreaths, ribbons and other decorations that don't consume energy.

Energy-efficient gift giving

Making a list? Checking it twice? Before you head to the store, run a cross-check with FPL's gifts that are on the "nice" energy list. There is something for everyone - from electronics and power tools to media and outdoor decor. Get in the holiday spirit with gift ideas from FPL that will keep your energy bill low this season and in the years to come:

Select energy-efficient electronics

When it comes to buying gifts for your loved ones, opt for a laptop computer over a desktop computer. Laptop computers require 50 to 80 percent less power than a desktop computer.

Let the star be your guide

Look for the ENERGY STAR when purchasing larger electronics or appliances. Newer ENERGY STAR models meet stricter requirements and can save up to 40 percent on energy over standard models.

Give the gift of light

Use solar-powered pathway or security lights for your home or as a gift to the person who loves being outside in the evening.

Remember the energy phantoms

The off position doesn't always mean "off". Seventy-five percent of electricity used to power home electronics is consumed when they are in standby mode or the off position.

Use an all-in-one money saver

Plug holiday lights and other electronic decorations into a power strip to make it convenient to turn them all off before bedtime and boost energy savings.

Charge up savings

Solar-powered battery chargers make for great stocking stuffers. Check out ENERGY STAR-rated or solar-powered battery chargers for cell phones, MP3 players or battery-powered tools.

Looking for more ways to save?

Discover your energy savings potential with our programs, tips and tools.